St. Ronald Music Ministry
John G. Perna, Director (586.792.1190, ext 231 /
St. Ronald is a singing parish, with enthusiastic participation in the sung parts of the liturgy. St. Ronald’s music ministry includes four choirs--the Adult Choir, the Resurrection Choir, the Hand Bell Choir and the Children’s Choir—and a handful of cantors and instrumentalists. Their role is to assist the congregation in sung worship to enrich the parish’s celebrations with their music. Musical members of the parish are encouraged to consider joining one or more of the musical groups.
The Adult Choir sings a wide variety of liturgical music. It sings weekly at one of the scheduled weekend liturgies and at other celebrations throughout the church year. Its season roughly coincides with the school year. The choir is made up of parishioners with ample musical skills. The ability to read music is helpful but not required. Members must be at least high school age.
The Resurrection Choir ministers at funeral liturgies by assisting the congregation in song. The Choir is an important part of the bereavement ministry and is open to all singing parishioners who are available during daytime hours. Members of the choir are notified of funerals by email or phone call and participate as able. There are no rehearsals; hymns and songs are mostly well known.
Stay tuned for more information about the Children's Choir. (In the past, the Children's Choir sang at the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass and the 11:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass and rehearsed on Tuesday evenings from 5:50 to 6:20 p.m., between religious education classes.) Some music education is incorporated into the brief and lively rehearsals.
The Hand Bell Choir enlivens worship for select weekend Masses and special events. It is open to all those who have a good sense of rhythm, a desire to work as part of a group, and the ability to commit to the weekly rehearsals (moreso than other choirs, an absent member of a hand bell choir leaves a large hole in its music). Members must be at least high school age. Weekly evening rehearsals are on a day yet to be determined.
Cantors are well-trained singers and spiritual leaders who lead the congregation in their sung worship and, most prominently, sing the verses of the Responsorial Psalm and other songs. Training and regular rehearsals are available, especially for beginning cantors. Seasoned cantors are generally proficient enough to rehearse and learn music on their own. Cantors must audition and periodically rehearse with the music director.
Instrumentalists are welcome to celebrate at liturgies using their primary instrument. All instruments are welcomed; guitars, strings, winds, brass and keyboards. This group plays an "instrumental" role in creating an extraordinary liturgy. Auditions and rehearsals are scheduled by the music director.